As a small business owner since 2011, I can say from personal experience that owning your small creative business is a lifestyle that requires a lot of faith and perseverance. So why do it? It’s incredibly rewarding and freeing – the secret is to stay positive! With that in mind, here are 5 ways to stay positive and motivated as a small business owner.
1). Remember why you began
Why did you make the change from officer worker to work from home entrepreneur? Was it to spend more time with your children? Did you have a great idea that you knew would be your key to entrepreneurial success?
Sometimes I have rough days when the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence. I may even look backwards and feel a pang of regret that I left my steady office job to work from home. When I feel this way, I take a moment and remember why I chose to leave the corporate work environment. For me, it was the need to create a career that would be portable as I move every few years in support of my spouses’ career. Sometimes it’s good to remember what motived us to make the change!
2). Be good to yourself
Working for yourself is the hardest work you will ever do. Period.
If I’m not at my computer creating new designs or authoring blog post, I feel like I should be! As my own boss it’s really difficult to remind myself that I need a break (and a vacation) from time to time. In fact, after a few months of working for myself, my health took a major nose dive. I wasn’t exercising because I felt guilty taking time for myself and I neglected the healthy eating habits I had maintained most of my life.
The moral of this story is, don’t be me! Take care of yourself! Invest in your health – physical, mental and spiritual.
3). Create structure
Work/life balance – we all crave it. In fact, it’s one of the number one reasons that smart, motivated individuals like us strike out to make our own way in the world. The irony is it’s easier said than done to maintain balance for entrepreneurs.
For me personally I’ve found that I need to separate my work life and my personal life in some way. Since my home is also my office I’ve found the best way to do this is to create an office area dedicated solely to that purpose. Ok, you’re saying, I don’t have the space. An office nook may be a corner of the sofa or closet in the guest room, but it really helps to be able to establish a work and non-work zone for work/life balance. Another think that really helps create structure in my work from home life is to have office hours – and to keep them, seriously!
4). Nurture your connections
I’m not going to lie, I’m horrible at this! However, it’s such an important part of owning your own business that I have to include it. Having a strong support network is key to staying positive and motivated through the ups and downs of being a small business owner.
We all needs friends - whether it’s a weekly Bible study or a play date at the park don’t forget to enjoy time with others.
5). Remember it’s a marathon, not a sprint
I started my small business in 2011 and had I known how my business would grow and evolve, I probably would have been overwhelmed! Being an entrepreneur has forced me to push outside of my comfort zone personally and professionally. It has been a lot of work and I’ve experienced quite a few growing pains, but I’ve also gained many rewards, although not always the monetary kind! So hang in there and remember owning your small business is a lifestyle that requires a lot of faith and perseverance.
Owning your business can be a dream come true - incredibly rewarding and freeing – the secret is to stay positive! So how do you stay positive and motivated as a small business owner?